Chemical Peels in Woodlands, TX

Chemical Peels
Chemical Peels smooth and improve the skin by exfoliating the damaged outer layers. The chemical solution acts on the skin to cause exfoliation and eventually peeling, allowing new, healed skin to appear. This procedure can treat various skin issues, including wrinkles, discoloration, and scars, primarily on the face and other areas like the neck and hands.
Chemical Peels in Woodlands, TX, are suitable for individuals looking to enhance their skin’s appearance. Chemical peels produce results when the skin heals, typically within a few days or weeks. They can last anywhere from a month to much longer. If you would like more information on this treatment, book an appointment at Flawless Rejuvenation Aesthetics in Woodlands, TX.
Benefits of Chemical Peels:
- Reduces fine lines and wrinkles
- Improves the appearance of scars
- Treats acne
- Reduces age spots, freckles, and dark patches
- Enhances skin texture and tone
- Promotes skin smoothness
- Offers adjustable treatment levels
- Minimal invasive procedure
- Quick recovery times
- Long-lasting results
People with fair skin and light hair are typically the best candidates for chemical peels. However, depending on their skin condition and the peel used, those with other skin types may also see good results.
Chemical peels produce different results; light peels might show immediate improvement, while deeper peels might require several days to weeks as the skin heals. Complete results usually appear after the skin has fully healed.
The duration of a chemical peel’s results depends on its depth. Light peels might last one to two months, while medium to deep peels can last several months or even longer.
Light peels may have little to no downtime, but deeper peels might involve a more extended recovery period during which the skin peels off. Redness, dryness, and peeling are common side effects, which resolve as the skin heals.
Before a chemical peel, avoid sun exposure and any skin products that might irritate the skin. After the treatment, keeping the skin clean and moisturized, avoiding sun exposure, and following your skin care professional’s aftercare instructions are necessary.
During a chemical peel treatment, the clinician applies a chemical solution that may cause a brief stinging sensation. The solution is left on the skin for a few minutes before being washed off. Depending on the peel, neutralization may be necessary.
Chemical Peel Pre-Treatment Instructions
No physical scrubs, loofah sponges, or devices that provide mechanical exfoliation 1-2 weeks before peel.
No freshly tanned skin before peel for 2-4 weeks.
No facial waxing 1-2 weeks before peel.
No repeat chemical peel treatments until the proper healing time has passed from the previous peel treatment.
Do NOT shave for a minimum of 24 hours before the peel treatment. (Shaving is a form of exfoliation)
ONE WEEK before peel:
• electrolysis, waxing, depilatory creams, and/or laser hair removal.
THREE DAYS before peel:
• Retin-A, Renova, Differin, Tazorac
• Any products containing Retinol, alpha-hydroxy acids, beta-hydroxy acids, or benzoyl peroxide
• Use of any of the above immediately before your peel may increase skin sensitivity and cause a stronger reaction.
• Patients who have undergone medical or cosmetic facial treatments or procedures (such as laser therapy, surgery, dermal fillers, or microdermabrasion) should wait until their skin sensitivity has fully subsided before undergoing peels.
• Patients who have received cosmetic injections should wait until the full effects of their treatment are visible before getting a peel.
• Presence of warts, active cold sores, or herpes simplex in the treated area.
• Wounded, sunburned, excessively sensitive skin.
• Dermatitis and inflammatory rosacea.
• Accutane use within the last year.
• History of recent chemotherapy or radiation therapy. — needs clearance by oncology.
• History of allergies to salicylates like aspirin, rashes, or other skin sensitivities.
• Women who are planning to become pregnant and pregnant or breastfeeding moms.
• Vitiligo
• History of autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, lupus, multiple sclerosis, or any other condition that may weaken the immune system.
Chemical Peel Post Treatment Instructions
Skin may appear slightly redder than usual for about 1-2 hours after the treatment. If neck and chest redness may last longer.
Mild swelling can last up to 1 hour.
Wait until bedtime before washing your face.
No activities that produce heat and sweat in the body, hot tubs, saunas, or cardio workouts, for at least 24 hours after a peel treatment. Sweat can cause fluid filler blisters to form under the skin which could scar.
EXTRA precautions should be taken to avoid sun exposure following the peel.
No direct sun exposure for 1 week after peel.
Use a gentle, soap-free cleanser. Wash your face gently twice daily. Do not scrub and/or use a washcloth.
Apply post procedure repair complex twice daily to enhance skin health and barrier strength.
Apply appropriate moisturizer as recommended by your medical professional.
Proper skin hydration is essential.
Apply SPF 35+ Sunscreen in the AM and throughout the day as necessary. Your SPF must have Zinc Oxide.
Drink 6-8 glasses of water daily for proper hydration.
No harsh products, acids, or other exfoliating treatments, such as retinol, AHAs, BHAs, mechanical exfoliation/scrubs, Vit C, benzoyl peroxide, sulfur, or resorcinol, for 5 days after the peel.
Wait until skin sensitivity resolves before having ANY OTHER FACIAL PROCEDURES, including:
• Facials
• Microdermabrasion
• Laser treatments (including laser hair removal
• Facial hair removal
• Cosmetic injections
No pulling, picking, or rubbing at loose skin. Let it come off naturally. This can cause infection and/or hyperpigmentation/scarring.
No scratching or itching of the skin while it’s healing. The client may need to put on OTC hydrocortisone cream if it starts to itch too uncomfortably.